estate litigation in the durham region

If you have lost a loved one, your family may be filled with grief and uncertainty about the future. Emotions may run high. Misunderstandings can easily arise and turn into acrimonious and destructive Estate disputes. These disputes often involve family members and they can become overwhelming.

When your loved one’s Estate is at risk, we can help you protect it. We can also try to find constructive ways of resolving the issues, so that you do not diminish the value of the Estate while fighting over it. We can help you keep the dispute proportional to the value of the Estate.

understanding creighton’s services

more about estate litigation

will challenges

We are particularly pleased to help first-time homebuyers through this exciting, but sometimes confusing, important step in their lives.

dependents’ relief claims

At Creighton Law LLP, we have the experience and skill to make sure the closing of your sale goes smoothly.

executor & estate trustee disputes

We can help you navigate the details of your mortgage or refinancing your existing mortgage.

We’re here to help

Practice areas

Our lawyers can help you in a number of areas, including: