Business & Corporate

Purchase & sale of business

Creighton helps navigate opportunities and mitigate risks.

The purchase or sale of a business can be an exciting time, full of possibility and opportunity for profit for both buyers and sellers. It is essential that proper care be given to the legal aspects of this important business transaction.

The Business Lawyers at Creighton Law LLP have the experience and expertise to ensure that your transaction goes well. Whether it is a purchase or sale of assets, or a purchase or sale of shares, we will ensure that all of the necessary details are carefully examined and handled to safeguard your best interests, while at the same time facilitating a spirit of cooperation with all parties to ensure a smooth and timely closing.

The Details of Your Purchase or Sale

Our Business Lawyers will help you negotiate your Contract of purchase and sale, keeping in mind your needs, the needs of other shareholders, the existing business relationships, the impact on Employees, tax implications and all other significant matters relating to the transaction. We will handle the necessary documentation for the purchase or sale of your business assets, including Real Estate, equipment, inventory, debts, licences, leases, intellectual property, non-competition Agreements and third-party Contracts. Protecting your best interests in the purchase and sale of your business is our priority.