Family Law

Separation & Divorce

Creighton helps provide alternatives to help you through separation and divorce.

Marriage and family are an integral part of our lives and identities. When relationships break down, it can affect every aspect of our lives. Creighton Law LLP’s Lawyers are experienced with many different ways of helping clients resolve disputes during your separation or divorce. Whether you are dealing with child-related matters, disagreements over your property or financial matters such as Spousal and Child Support, we can help you settle them.


This is often the simplest and most cost-effective way to settle disputes. We will attend negotiations with you to ensure that you are not manipulated and your legal rights are protected.


In this process, a neutral third party (the Mediator) helps both sides find common ground and communicate, staying focused on creative solutions.


This is similar to litigation, in that a third party (an Arbitrator) makes decisions for you. It is nevertheless often far more efficient and faster than going through the Court system.

Mediation – Arbitration

Both parties attempt to settle as many issues as possible through Mediation and then turn to Arbitration to settle the remaining disputes. The Mediator and Arbitrator are often the same person.

Collaborative Family Law

In this method, both sides come together to work on a solution, with the assistance of any other relevant professionals such as psychologists or financial analysts. Both sides agree that if an agreement is not reached, they must seek other Lawyers before proceeding with litigation.


Family Law litigation may be slower, more expensive and more prone to encouraging hostility between the parties. If possible, you may wish to avoid it, especially if you have children. Unfortunately, sometimes it is the only way to adequately protect your rights, especially if there is a history of violence, manipulation or dishonesty in the relationship.